Patti Conklin

Control, You Don't Have It!

August 13, 20242 min read

Control, you don't have it!

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to fall into the illusion of control. We plan meticulously, strategize endlessly, and yet, life often unfolds in ways we least expect. As a vibrational mediator and energy healer, I've come to understand that true peace lies not in controlling outcomes, but in surrendering to the greater flow of the universe.

The illusion of control:

You think you have control, but in reality, it's the universe's timeline, or perhaps, God's plan that shapes our journey. We may meticulously plan our days, set goals, and strive to control every detail, only to realize that life has its own rhythm, its own agenda. It has nothing to do with us. We can't dictate the timing of events or the outcomes, no matter how hard we try.

So where does that leave us?

It's about embracing the surrender, understanding that while we can't control external circumstances, we can control our reactions to them. This is where true power lies. It doesn't mean relinquishing responsibility or effort. Rather, it's about finding peace in knowing that our role is to navigate the currents, not to dam the river.

When we let go of the illusion of control, we open ourselves to the present moment. We become attuned to the subtle energies that guide us, allowing us to respond authentically to each situation as it arises. This is the essence of vibrational mediation and energy healing—to harmonize with the universe's flow rather than fight against it.

That all brings us to the power of NOW.

In this minute, in this time, the only thing we truly control is ourselves—our thoughts, our emotions, our responses. Every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth, every setback a chance to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the grand design. When we stop resisting and start accepting, we find peace.

Control, as we perceive it, is an illusion. What we can truly influence is our own inner landscape—how we choose to perceive and respond to the world around us.

So, I challenge you to release the need to control outcomes and instead focus on controlling your reactions—right here, right now. Everything else unfolds as part of a greater plan, a cosmic dance in which we are both the choreographers and the dancers.

What do you feel about control or the lack there of? Please share your thoughts – they could be very helpful to other readers!

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Patti Conklin

Hey there, I'm Patti Conklin—a vibrational mediator, energy healer, author, and global advocate for holistic wellness. With over 28 years of experience, I've embarked on a journey that spans 60+ countries, touching countless lives by seamlessly blending energy medicine with contemporary approaches.

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Patti Conklin Inc.


Patti Conklin Inc.

A 29-year industry leader, Patti Conklin is a vibrational mediator, teacher, lecturer, radio personality, and author of the book God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped.

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Patti Conklin, Inc.

PO Box 2695

Cartersville, GA 30120-2695

A 28-year industry leader, Patti Conklin is

a vibrational mediator, teacher, lecturer,

radio personality, host of the TV show

Healing Within: An Adventure Inside on

Binge Networks and author of the book

God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped.




[email protected]

Patti Conklin, Inc.

PO Box 2695

Cartersville, GA 30120-2695

A 29-year industry leader, Patti Conklin is a vibrational mediator, teacher, lecturer, radio personality, and author of the book God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped.

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Call or Text 706-701-2353

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Patti Conklin, Inc.

PO Box 2695

Cartersville, GA 30120-2695