IACT: How exciting to be sharing this time with you! Healing the body has such a broad spectrum of opportunities for discussion. Let's begin by asking where your experience lies in this area and how you came into the field as a wellness practitioner.
PC: 28 years ago I attended a weekend hypnosis certification training in Virginia Beach. Wow, talk about a life-changing event! I have been born with the ability to see life in particles, and I had no idea that this was different from other people or that it would take my life path to healing modalities. My abilities were buried deep inside of me. My first and only Hypnotherapy class opened a world I had never conceived was available.
I opened my first office, Hartwell Hypnotherapy Inc. located in Hartwell Ga. And after I opened my door, work flooded in. But the curious thing was, I found that not only was I using hypnotherapy inductions, but my unique particle sight also took the lead in how to work with my clients.
After 5 years in Hartwell, I moved closer to Atlanta and Opened Healing Within Inc. and Patti Conklin Inc. Speaking at amazing Hypnotherapy conferences over the years, I was blessed with receiving recognition as an Inductee into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame, and awards from IMDHA, and IACT. I realized there were so many ways to utilize my hypnotherapy training, with quantum physics and particle theory, in readjusting the particles within the body using color and music. Hypnosis had opened my world to a greater level of work!
My world has encompassed working in 62 countries with tens of thousands of clients for the last 27 years and being a guest on endless radio/TV shows. These experiences have led me to fine-tune my title as a vibrational mediator, medical intuitive, and author, with my first book, God Within: The Day God's Trained Stopped, being published in 2014. It was hypnosis that was the core of everything that has happened in my 27 incredible, breathtaking, learning, humbling years in business.
IACT: Can you describe more fully your ability to see life in ‘particles’ and how it relates to healing?
PC: I've always seen the world in particles, I didn't realize I was different in my sight until I was 28. We believe that a 'different' brain chemistry and IQ are the dominant factors for the way my sight works. The scientific data suggests: The kinetic theory of matter (particle theory) says that all matter consists of many, very small particles, which are constantly moving or in a continual state of motion. The degree to which the particles move is determined by the amount of energy they have and their relationship to other particles. In essence, all of us, including items that are made of matter, i.e. chairs, floors, planes, trees, anything that can be seen, are made of particles that are constantly moving.
In healing, I always say, energy is energy until it's not, meaning when the particles are not 'moving' then the disease has begun. When the particles within a person's body start to slow down, becoming dense, then we can see it with a microscope, qualify it, quantify it and give it a label, such as cancer, ms, autism etc. The key to healing is to get the particles moving again, be it western or eastern medicine, but the most effective is using Color and Tone, the two active frequencies in the Universe. In my 27 years of work, I've never found a reason for a disease or illness that doesn't directly relate to an emotion or a behavioral issue. No, it's not your fault you got sick! It's more of a subconscious process that your cells (matter in this case) are being rearranged and adjusted by thoughts and/or behaviors that are less than unconditional love, or the position of surrender and discernment. You aren't in charge, let go of the need to be right, let go of judgment, let go of control, and you'll find the particles of your body are more likely to stay constant in a healthy way.
Hypnosis, talk therapy, and behavioral therapy are incredibly wonderful tools to help people understand patterns that may be creating issues in their life. But in seeing so many people, I truly believe that the reason most people reoccur with a disease is that they didn't get their particles readjusted. The 'motion' necessary for health wasn't readjusted, and the blocked energy wasn't readjusted within the cellular structure of the body. Particles don't move into motion again unless they are worked with.
Your physical body is a wonderful encapsulation of your Soul. It does what you ask it to do, it's very logical, but it has to be told what to do, and given instructions on how to do it.
IACT: How do you incorporate your hypnosis training with your gift of healing?
PC: My Hypnosis training was the absolute beginning of my career as a medical intuitive. While I had previously worked in nonprofit organizations, and I had been born with my gift, I didn't know 'what' or 'how' to utilize it. Hypnotherapy was the answer I had been searching for!
The training I learned in hypnosis allowed me to unlock and expand my thoughts, helping me realize how I could utilize my gift. When I do a session with someone wanting hypnosis, I specifically ask them 3 things: "What’s going on in your life, personally, professionally, and physically”? With just those three questions you can get a lifetime of information if you are paying attention to their body, the tone of their voice, and how they respond to the questions. Do they talk about everything but their health? Do they discuss everything but their career? The lack of information is just as important as the information they give.
If I'm doing hypnosis by Zoom, instead of going through an induction process, I ask my client what color they need to relax. I ask them to imagine the color coming in through the bottom of their feet, up through the top of their head. After two minutes I ask them "What color do you need to go 10 x deeper”?, allowing them to settle their breathing, going deeper into their subconscious mind. We may be focusing on Anxiety issues, in that case, for example, the question would be: "What color do you need to remove your anxiety"? After 3-5 minutes of using color, I ask them to put their left hand thumb and forefinger on the flesh between the thumb and forefinger of their right hand, and to squeeze, and release, repeating several times, giving them the direction of removing all anxiety, again anchoring in the suggestion. If, in the future, they experience the situation again, they can use their anchor point to take them back to calm and relax.
While every client is different, I've found that while some people may not be able to 'see' color, they are willing to trust, that every color is perfect. Color in this situation is not an expression of emotion; it's an expression of vibration.
What particles need to be altered in order to achieve the removal of anxiety? Personally, I've found that the process of using color creates a much deeper level of subconscious connection more quickly than a traditional hypnotic induction. Whether you are doing a past life regression, creating anchors, smoking, weight loss, anger, self-esteem, or whatever your client has come to see you for, you are giving your clients 15 minutes of homework to do for 30 days, which is approximately the time that it takes to change behavior. The ability to be personally responsible for their behavior by using color, using anchors is very self-rewarding for the client.
Two things are being assisted here. The fear that so many have of not being able to be hypnotized, so instead of being tense and attempting to listen to the practitioner and their mind, questioning if they are doing it correctly, relax with a wonderful feeling of color. Because color is one of 2 active frequencies in the Universe, they are permanently adjusting their body. No need for package programs for clients. One session with a follow-up after 30 days to make sure things are on track. Obviously, there can be situations where multiple sessions are necessary; however, I have found this to be infrequent.
I realize that many hypnotherapists feel more comfortable having multiple sessions with a client and I understand that. However, using color as a form of induction activates the particles within the body, making the cells listen. Our body is incredible; however, it needs very specific instructions to utilize the
active frequency of color.
IACT: What else can you tell us about healing the body?
PC: Our bodies are amazing, each cell is an individual and a community. Think of it this way, you are watching television and the cable goes out. You may see tiny gray/black spots moving, or staying still - imagine this is your body. When your emotions start blocking these tiny particles become condensed, and energy can no longer move through them. The more substantial it becomes the less energy moves. When it reaches this point, we can now see it on scans, in our blood, etc. The disease has been created subconsciously. In our conscious mind, we do everything we can to stay healthy. It's in our subconscious mind that our challenges begin. When we become aware that behavior needs to be changed, emotional, physical, or spiritual, whichever it may be, that tells us those particles, just like on the tv, have stopped moving somewhere in our body. Hypnosis and Talk Therapy are excellent processes to help us understand and shift behavior, which are absolutely essential and valuable tools. However, those tiny particles within your cells also need to be shifted and only two things can change that, active frequency of color or tone. Most often we are born with cells that are already affected by our birth parents' emotions, past life, and genetic issues, any of these can be the grounding of disease for you.
We have a tendency to believe that if we change our behavior, eat healthy, exercise, and use allopathic, alternative medicines it will be enough to remain healthy. Frankly, I don't believe it is. In my 27 years of work, I've found that people reoccur with an illness or a different illness within 5 years, and the reason is that those tiny particles that make up our body aren't cleaned. When you utilize color with your hypnosis process, you are achieving two things. Assisting the behavioral shift, but more importantly, cleaning out the emotions stuck in those particles. If you are working with an individual who was adopted, remember, their cells are formulated by the biological parents. So many times I've had clients who’ve adopted children. These children were provided with beautiful lives; however, they still ended up with severe issues, both emotionally, and physically. I am able to regress them back, using color. They don't need to know anything about their biological parents, the need to know is unnecessary, what IS necessary is that their cells be cleansed during the regression. It's amazing to see the shift in people.
IACT: Thank you so much for sharing this information with our readers. Where can interested readers find out more about the processes you use?
PC: Thank you for the opportunity to speak to your readers. I teach workshops utilizing Colorworks, Vibrational Medicine, and other modalities. I also work with practitioners to incorporate Colorworks into their practice. For more information, please go to my website www.Patticonklin.com, Patti Conklin Inc. on Roku, Apple TV Google Play, YouTube, and Bingenetworks.tv. 404.474.0086
A 29-year industry leader, Patti Conklin is a vibrational mediator, teacher, lecturer, radio personality, and author of the book God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped.
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Patti Conklin, Inc.
PO Box 2695
Cartersville, GA 30120-2695